The Life of William Roscoe
Chapter XIV. 1816
William Roscoe to William Shepherd, [September? 1816]
“I know not how to express to you the various sensations
to which your letter and its inclosures have given rise in my mind. From the
moment that it became necessary to dispose of my library, I resolved, as I
believe I informed you, not to repurchase any part of it on my own account; and
accordingly not a single book was to my knowledge bought for me: those bid for
in the name of Mr. Coke being for his
library at Holkham, although, by his permission, I retain for the present such
of them as appear to be necessary in the arrangement of his valuable
“Judge, then, of my surprise on finding what ![]()
had been done, and of the difficulties I feel in availing
myself of the liberality of my friends in the manner I am sure they would wish.
Be assured, my dear Sir, no one can be more deeply sensible than myself of the
motives which gave rise to this measure, and of the delicacy with which it has
been conducted; and if I cannot exactly conform to the terms proposed, I trust
I shall be allowed to receive the kindness intended me in a manner less
troublesome to my friends, and more satisfactory to myself. I am aware that
when my library was first advertised, apprehensions were entertained that our
proposed arrangements might not be accomplished; and that this measure was
intended to prevent my being entirely deprived of those literary treasures
which had constituted so great a portion of my happiness. Had such an event
unfortunately occurred, I should most gratefully have accepted their friendly
assistance; but the aspect of our affairs is now more favourable, the sale of
my property has been made under my own directions, and if those distinguished
and ever respected friends, to whose timely and considerate assistance I owe
the most heartfelt obligations, will permit me to avail myself of the
alternative mentioned in your letter, and repurchase the works bought for my
use, it will relieve me from my present anxiety, and infinitely add to the
obligations I already feel. In this point of view ![]()
I shall
think myself fortunate that such a measure has been resorted to; the books
purchased (as might be expected from their being chosen by the long and
confidential associate of my studies) being selected with the greatest
judgment, and such as I should, for the most part, certainly have retained, had
I not thought it necessary to the character of the sale that the entire library
should be offered to the public. May I beg you, my dear friend, to communicate
this my request to your constituents, and at the same time to assure them, not
only of my warmest gratitude, but of the satisfaction I must ever feel in the
reflection, that, on such an occasion, I have been honoured by so distinguished
a proof of the approbation of those, who, by their former kindness and
friendship, had entitled themselves to my highest esteem, affection, and
“I am always, my dear Sir,
“Most faithfully yours,