“I am extremely sorry that my numerous concerns and
journeys from home, and particularly my having undertaken to furnish the London
booksellers with a new edition of the works
of Pope, to be accompanied by an original life of him on an extended
scale, has so long prevented me from perusing and examining, with the attention
which was necessary, your translation of my ‘Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo
de’ Medici,’ with a copy of which you some time since
honoured me, and of which I have within these few days received a duplicate,
accompanying your obliging letter of the 27th April. Having now just completed
my very laborious engagement, and relieved myself from the importunity of the
booksellers, I have devoted some days to the perusal and examination of your
work; and am, upon the whole, much pleased with the easy, natural, and
unassuming style in which it is executed, and with the impartiality and reserve
so properly adhered to in the expression of your own opinion on the various
subjects of controversy to which it relates. At the same time, I regret to say,
that I have met with some passages which appear to me to be either not fully
understood or not correctly expressed, and which it will therefore be necessary
to alter, in case of another edition. Of these I have made out a list, as far
as the prefatory observations extend, and, if you desire it, will
“For the information in your last, on the state of literature and literary publications in Italy, which I am sorry to find is not so favourable as might be wished, accept my best thanks. With respect to the intended publication of a new edition of the Cav. Mecherini’s translation of the ‘Life of Lorenzo,’ it does not at present occur to me that I have any alterations or remarks to suggest, further than such as are contained in the Illustrations already published. I have, however, undertaken to examine this work in the original English, and also the ‘Life of Leo X.,’ preparatory to new editions of them, which are immediately going to the press, having been long out of print; and if I should discover any thing of sufficient importance to deserve your notice, will lose no time in communicating it to you.
“I wish it were in my power to answer your inquiries
respecting the prospect which a master in the Italian language would have of a