“I had the honour of receiving, a few days since, your
letter of the 2d July last, and am happy to find that the differences of
opinion which subsist between us on some particular points, have not prevented
those favourable sentiments of general respect which ought to subsist between
those whose only object is the investigation of truth. At the same time, I
cannot but regret that the efforts I have made in my ‘Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo
de’ Medici,’ to remove the opinions you entertain of his
character, have failed of their effect; and this regret is increased by the
reflection that this work was purposely intended to conciliate your favourable
opinion, and to attract your powerful support to what I consider as the cause
of truth. If, on any occasion, I have exceeded the limits of literary courtesy
and respect, you will, I trust, do me the justice to attribute it to my
earnestness to accomplish this purpose, and not to any feelings of an adverse
nature towards one whose productions I so highly admire, and in whose
sentiments, on almost all the great questions of human interest, I so fully
concur. You will also, I hope, believe that, in making this effort, I was not
influenced by any degree of literary competition, to which I know myself too
well to pretend, or even by the defence of
“With respect to your notes, intended for the new
edition of your history, and of which you have done me the honour to transmit me a
copy, I have only to observe, that they appear to me to have carried our debate
to a sufficient length, and that I shall willingly leave it to the public to
decide between us without a further reply. If I should deviate from this
course, it will, I think, extend only to your last note, in which you have
again endeavoured to show that Lorenzo de’
Medici maintained an usurped authority by bloody executions. * *
* * * I might also, perhaps, complain of the conclusion of this note, where you
declare you know not whether I have had blood enough to satisfy me; but I
consider this as intended merely to give effect to the preceding
representations; it being impossible you could either think that I thirsted for
“In turning to more agreeable subjects, it is with great pleasure I can assure you that your excellent work on the Literature of the South of Europe, which has been translated into English by one of my sons, and lately published, has been very favourably received, and that a new edition is shortly expected.”