The Life of William Roscoe
Chapter XX. 1827-1831
William Roscoe to Lord Brougham, [1830]
“I have the great honour and very singular pleasure of
introducing to your Lordship’s kind notice and attention the bearer of
this, the celebrated and learned Rammohun
Roy, who is just arrived here from Calcutta, and of whom you
must already have frequently heard as the illustrious Convert from Hindooism to
Christianity, and the author of the selections from the New Testament of
“The Precepts of
Jesus;” by the publication and diffusion of which amongst ![]()
the natives of the East reasonable hopes are now
entertained, that, in a short time, the shocking system and cruel practices of
Paganism will be abolished, and the people of those populous regions be
restored to the pure and simple precepts of morality and brotherly love.
Amongst the many and important motives which have induced him to leave his
country and connections, and visit this island, I understand he is induced to
hope he may be of some assistance in promoting the cause of the natives of
India in the great debates which must ere long take place here, respecting the
Charter of the East India Company; but I have yet seen so little of him, from
his numerous engagements here, that I must leave your Lordship to learn his
intentions from himself, which you will find him very capable of explaining in
his own strong and appropriate English idiom. One great reason, as I
understand, for his haste to leave this for London, is to be present to witness
the great measures that will be taken by your Lordship and your illustrious
colleagues, for promoting the long wished-for reform of his native country. On
the present occasion, I will not trouble you further than to request, that, if
it should not be inconsistent with your Lordship’s station and
convenience, you would obtain for our distinguished visiter the benefit of a
seat under the gallery in the House of Commons, on the debate on the ![]()
third reading of the Reform Bill; which favour I am
anxious he should owe rather to your Lordship (if you have no objection to it)
than to other individuals, to whom, I understand, he has letters of
Rammohun Roy (1772 c.-1833)
Indian writer and political liberal who represented the Mughal emperor Akbar II in
England from 1830.