“Our friend Mr. Shepherd leaves Glasgow to-day, and I am anxious to charge him with a few lines to you, though only to congratulate you, as I do most cordially, upon the completion of your great work on the scitamineous plants. It is, indeed, a national work. My copy came home from the binder last night, with the plates all arranged according to your synoptical table, and I cannot tell you with what pleasure I again looked it through. I am much gratified at the kind and handsome manner in which you have mentioned my name. Of all the work, however, I am not sure if the lines which stand in lieu of a dedication, do not please me the very best.
“I am glad to hear from Mr. Shepherd that your bodily health continues as good as your friends could expect, though I lamented to hear that you still, as when I had last the happiness of seeing you, suffered from weakness.”