“This is intended to be delivered to you by my highly
valued friend, Signor Antonio Panizzi,
professor of the Italian language in the London University, who lived some
years in Liverpool, whence he is now returning, after visiting the numerous
friends whom he has made during his residence here. He is probably already
known to you by his literary works,—particularly his edition of Bojardo and Ariosto, now publishing; in addition to which I beg leave to
add my testi-
Of Mr. Rogers’s singularly beautiful edition of his “Italy,” a copy of which was presented to him at this time, Mr. Roscoe expresses his high admiration in the same letter:—
“I do not consider this, your obliging remembrance of me, merely as an interesting and truly original poem, decorated with exquisite engravings, but as a production, in which the sister arts of poetry and painting are united to produce a simultaneous effect, as brilliant jewels are only seen to full advantage when set off by a beautiful face. The art of engraving has hitherto aimed only to please the eye, but it may now be said to have arrived at its highest excellence, and touched the deepest feelings of the mind. We must now acknowledge, that the finest effects of the pencil may be produced by the simple medium of light and shadow.”